Favorite Electrical & Electronic Engineering Books
1. Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Numerical Analysis (Schaum's Outline Series), Francis J. Scheid Paperback / Published 1988, This book has particularly good sections on polynomial root finding, least-squares approximation including overdetermined systems, Tchebyscheff polynomials, trigonometric approximation (applicable to Fourier transform), the Simplex method of linear programming, and it is the only numerical analysis text I have ever seen that covers the exchange method of mini-max approximation which is necessary for equiripple finite-impulse-response (FIR) digital filter design. The Schaum's outline is extremely well organized and covers a wider variety of techniques than many other numerical analysis texts. The use of several hundred examples make it a very effective teaching tool.
2. Microwave Transistor Amplifiers : Analysis and Design, by Guillermo Gonzalez, Excellent coverage of the Smith chart is provided along with detailed RF amplifier design using S-parameters. The text covers stability, simultaneous conjugate matching, noise, broadband, high-power techniques, microwave oscillator design, and many other topics.
3. Circuit Design Using Personal Computers, Thomas R. Cuthbert,1994. Covers advanced techniques such as Fano's broadband matching, Carlin's broadband matching, optimization techniques, and includes source code in the index for algorithms that cannot be found elsewhere such as Amstutz's permutation method for the design of elliptic filters and least-squares approximation for a given magnitude and phase as a function of frequency, Additional topics include ladder network analysis, gradient optimization, linear amplifier design, and direct coupled filters.
4. Handbook of Filter Synthesis, by Anatol I. Zverev, , 1967, John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0471986801 ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.60 x 11.32 x 8.89. This text is a classic covering such items as theory of effective parameters, filter characteristics in the frequency domain, elliptic functions and elements of realization, catalog of normalized lowpass filters, the design of polynomial filters, filter characteristics in the time domain, crystal filters, helical filters, and network transformations. It is one of the few filter books that discusses the theory of ellliptic filters starting with the double periodic elliptic funtions, and it also contains over a hundred pages of tables for engineers who are simply looking for a cookbook approach to passive filter design.
5. Electronic Engineering, by Alley and Atwood, 1973, ISBN 0-471-02450-3 Currently out of print, but well worth the effort to find a copy. Covers general electronics at the senior level in college of semiconductors, common-base amplifiers, common-emitter amplifiers, high input impedance circuits and devices, RC-coupled amplifiers, transformer-coupled amplifiers, small-signal tuned amplifiers, direct-coupled amplifiers, power amplifiers, multistage amplifiers, amplifier noise, negative feedback, linear integrated circuits, active filters, power supplies (linear), large-signal tuned amplifiers, oscillator circuits, amplitude modulation and detection, frequency modulation, switching and pulse circuits, and digital integrated circuits.
6. Microelectronic Circuits (Oxford Series in Electrical Engineering), by Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith,. This is a modern alternative to item #5, and also includes operational amplifiers, junction field-effect transistors, and metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors.
7. Advanced Assembly Language, by Allen L. Wyatt, Sr., ISBN 1-56529-037-2. Currently out of print but an excellent text for DOS programming in assembly language on PC compatibles. A floppy disk of example programs is included.
8. Microwave Engineering, by David M. Pozar, 760 pages 2nd edition (August 1997) John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0471170968. One of the best treatments of microwave circuits available. This text covers electromagnetic theory, transmission line theory, transmission lines and waveguides, microwave network analysis, impedance matching and tuning, microwave resonators, power dividers, directional couplers, hybrids, microwave filters, theory and design of ferromagnetic components, active microwave circuits (S-parameter design and Smith chart), and microwave systems.
9. The ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs, by Paul Danzer (Editor), Joel P. Kleinman (Editor), R. Dean Straw (Editor), Paperback - 1200 pages 75th edition (November 1997) , Amateur Radio Relay League; ISBN: 0872591786; Dimensions (in inches): 1.70 x 10.92 x 8.32 . This book explains the theory and contains design projects for amateur radios covering all frequency bands.
10. Basic Television and Video Systems, by Bernard Grob. This is a 1983 edition of the book that I have titled, "Basic Television: Principles and Servicing". Bernard Grob is currently publishing a more recent version. The 1975 edition was certainly impressive in its depth and range of coverage, including the television picture, television cameras, scanning and synchronizing, composite video signal, picture carrier signal, television receivers, color television, color television receivers, picture tubes, adjustments for color picture tubes, power supplies, video circuits, dc level of the video signals, AGC circuits, sync circuits, color circuits, automatic color circuits, troubles in the raster and picture, deflection oscillators, vertical deflection circuits, horizontal deflection circuits, the picture IF sections, the RF tuner, antennas and transmission lines, cable distribution systems, the FM sound signal, and receiver servicing. I expect the new editions to be even more comprehensive.
11. Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing, by Rabiner and Gold, 1975, ISBN 0-13-914101-4. An excellent text, if you can find a copy. Covers the theory of discrete-time linear systems, theory and approximation of finite duration impulse response digital filters, theory and approximation of infinite impulse response digital filters, finite work lenght effects in digital filters, spectrum analysis and the fast Fourier transform, theory of two-dimensional signal processing, digital hardware, special purpose hardware for digital filtering and signal generation, special purpose hardware for the FFT, general purpose hardware for signal processing facilities, applications of digital signal processing to speech, and applications to radar. Highly theoretical topics are covered in an easy to understand manner.
12. Electronics Equations Handbook, by Stephen J. Erst, Paperback - 245 pages 1st Ed. edition (September 1989), Tab Books; ISBN: 0830632417. Contains equations useful for resistor, inductor, capacitor, networks, transmission lines, filters, baluns, directional couplers, power dividers, magnetic circuits, digital, transistors, diodes, amplifiers, noise, antennas, radio frequency systems, modulation, phase-locked loops, satellite communications, sound, environmental equations, heat, and reliability.
13. Programs for Digital Signal Processing, edited by the Digital Signal Processing Committee, IEEE Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Society,1979, ISBN 0-87942-127-4. (an IEEE Press book).Extensive Fortran source listings too numerous to mention in detail. Contains nine versions of the FFT, three programs for power spectrum analysis and correlation, a fast convolution program, three programs on linear prediction analysis of speech signals, four on FIR filter design and synthesis, four on IIR filter design and synthesis, two programs on cepstral analysis, and three on interpolation and decimation.
14. Computer-Aided Filter Design, Edited by George Szentirmai, IEEE Press, 1973. Contains collection of articles on optimization techniques used in the design of electronic filters. This book is also out of print but available through the U.S.Army Engineers (formerly U.S. Corps of Engineers) library system.
15. Switched Capacitor Circuits, by Phillip E. and Sanchez-Sinencio, Edgar Allen, 1984. This is a very comprehensive book covering the design of switched capacitor circuits for custom integrated circuit design of filters, A/D converters, oscillators, phase-locked loops, voltage comparators, etc. It has excellent treatment for the design of switched capacitor filters directly from the digital Z-transform equations using switched capacitor biquad building blocks. Includes techniques for writing switched capacitor simulation programs.
16. The Data Compression Book, by Mark Nelson, Jean-Loup Gailly, 1995. A book/disk guide to data compression techniques. Discusses the theory behind methods including Shannon-Fano and Huffman coding techniques, Lossy compressions, and the JPEG compression algorithm, and illustrates each technique with a C program. Includes appendices on statistics for various compression programs, test programs, and a glossary. This second edition is updated to include information on fractal compression techniques, and contains updated code. For intermediate to advanced programmers.
17. Applications of Operational Amplifiers : Third Generation Techniques, by Jerald G. Graeme 1973. This book covers advanced op-amp design techniques such as output current boosting, output voltage boosting, circuits for improving common mode rejection, double integrators, logarithmic amplifiers, multipliers, dividers, single op-amp window comparators, rms circuits, wein-bridge oscillators, low pass filters with no dc offset at the filter output, and many more.
18. Phaselock Techniques, by Floyd Martin Gardner, 1979. Great expanded and largely rewritten, presenting much new and novel material--some published for the first time. This is the classic book in phase-locked loops. Reviews fundamentals and discusses underlying problems faced by designers; presents information that deals with practical aspects of component circuits and rational procedures for deciding upon phaselock loop parameters; provides engineering descriptions and analyses of phaselock applications. Includes unique discussions of phaselocked modulatiors, and demodulators, treatment of synthesizers, receivers, transponders, oscillator stabilizers, and data synchronizers.
19. M68Hc11 Reference Manual, 1989. At one time, Motorola was promoting its 68HC11 processor through an annual contest and selling evaluation boards for $68.11 that came complete with working hardware and sufficient software to support small to medium scale industrial development programs. This excellent microcontroller contains everything possible in a microcontroller including 8 channel A/D converter, SPI interface, timers, interrupts, etc. For HC11 developers, you can download a special version of the as11.exe compiler that produces a cross listing file from the software page now.
20. Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables, by Murray R. Spiegel. This Schaum's Outline book contains integrals, derivatives, Taylor series, geometric formulas, Bessel functions, Legendre functions, Hermite polynomials, and all the other formulas that you are likely to ever need in a very inexpensive book.
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