Installing and Using the Receiver Model Tool





You should have received the following files:

Receiver.class - The main Receiver Calculation Program
AppletFrame.class, DoubleTextField.class, Format.class, ImageCanvas.class - Additional code needed to support the program
Receiver.gif - Diagram of the receiver
Receiver.html - HTML page so you can view the applet in a browser
README - This information (in plain text ascii)
install.html - This Page
javasetup.html - How to set up java
pics/border-n.gif - Background for these pages
ADKNAME.BAT - Windows 3.11, ADK users should run this batch file first



The Receiver Model can run either as an applet (i.e. inside a Java-enabled web browser), or as a standalone application (requires a Java interpreter).

We recommend you set your screen size to at least 800 by 600. Unless your computer already has a Java interpreter installed we recommend you access the tool through a browser, as the Java interpreter can be take a lot of disk space and can be difficult to install.


Running as a Standalone Application


Running from a Browser

Start your Java-enabled web browser. From the File menu, select 'open file' (or 'open local' or equivalent), and open the file 'Receiver.html'. The applet should then load.

Make sure the .class and .gif files are in the same directory as the 'Receiver.html' file.


Using the Receiver Model Tool

Click on any of the (red) boxed numbers to change their input values. Pressing enter, clicking on the calculate button, or pressing a function key (MS windows only) should update the results (shown in blue) for your new input values. Pressing reset will return the input boxes to the default values.


Legal Information

This program is copyright © ANADIGICS 1996.

You are granted the right to use this software. You may not disassemble, decompose, reverse engineer, or alter any of the files in the package.

This software is provided as freeware and cannot be sold. This software can not be bundled with any commercial package or distributed by itself or accompanying books or magazines without express written permission from ANADIGICS.

The author of this program accepts no responsibility for damages resulting from the use of this product and makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied, including but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This software is provided "AS IS", and you, its user, assume all risks when using it.

Licensing, Registration and Distribution
By installing this software the user implicitly agrees with the utilization rules described in this file. They may be freely used but may not be sold or redistributed.
