Serial Peripheral Interface Example Program
*6811* ORG $0000 *MIKE ELLIS* START RMB 1 *Reserve memory byte* END RMB 1 *Reserve another memory byte* *Tie SS line high *Set appropriate data direction bits on port D *Command line C:/as11 filename.asm > filename.lst will create *listing file and generate S19 hex file named m.out *I had a strange problem with the EVB and had to tie pin 8 on U7 *to pin 4 on U7 to make 68HC11 EVB communicate with the PC that was going *to download the program. *8-N-1 protocol on connector P3 tied to the PC *Using procomm, type, then load t, then hit PageUp for upload *Then select 7 (ASCII), then type m.out and hit *After upload to EVB, type G C000 and program will run. ORG $C000 *ORIGIN* LDAA #$55 *RESET COP* STAA $103A *BY WRITING AA* LDAA #$AA *AND THEN 55* STAA $103A LDAA #$03 STAA $1024 *DIVIDE E CLOCK BY 16* LDS #$0040 *STACK LDY #$1000 *POINTER TO REGISTERS LDAA #$5C *Initialize SPI STAA $1028 BSET 9,Y $18 *Data direction port d output BCLR 9,Y $21 *Data direction port d input BSET 4,Y $0D *SPI ADDRESS BUS* BEGIN: LDAA #$FF STAA $1004 * $1004 is I/O Port B LDAA #$00 * Write FF and 00 successively to see if it works STAA $1004 LDAA #$52 STAA $102A XC: LDAA $1029 ANDA #$80 BEQ XC LDAA $1029 LDAA #$55 *RESET COP* STAA $103A *BY WRITING AA* LDAA #$AA *AND THEN 55* STAA $103A JMP BEGIN
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