Digitalker Master Word List

DT1050 Master Word List - A prebyte of 01 is used for these words.

ABORT 00000000
ADD 00000001
ADJUST 00000010
ALARM 00000011
ALERT 00000100
ALL 00000101
ASK 00000110
ATTENTION 00001000
BRAKE 00001001
BUTTON 00001010
BUY 00001011
CALL 00001100
CAUTION 00001101
CHANGE 00001110
CIRCUIT 00001111
CLEAR 00010000
CLOSE 00010001
COMPLETE 00010010
CONNECT 00010011
CONTINUE 00010100
COPY 00010101
CORRECT 00010110
DATE 00010111
DAY 00011000
DECREASE 00011001
DEPOSIT 00011010
DIAL 00011011
DIVIDE 00011100
DOOR 00011101
EAST 00011110
ED (NOTE 1) 00011111
ED (NOTE 1) 00100000
ED (NOTE 1) 00100001
ED (NOTE 1) 00100010
EMERGENCY 00100011
END 00100100
ENTER 00100101
ENTRY 00100110
ER 00100111
EVACUATE 00101000
EXIT 00101001
FAIL 00101010
FAILURE 00101011
FARAD 00101100
FAST 00101101
FASTER 00101110
FIFTH 00101111
FIRE 00110000
FIRST 00110001
FLOOR 00110010
FORWARD 00110011
FROM 00110100
GAS 00110101
GET 00110110
GOING 00110111
HALF 00111000
HELLO 00111001
HELP 00111010
HERTZ 00111011
HOLD 00111100
INCORRECT 00111101
INCREASE 00111110
INTRUDER 00111111
JUST 01000000
KEY 01000001
LEVEL 01000010
LOAD 01000011
LOCK 01000100
MEG 01000101
MEGA 01000110
MICRO 01000111
MORE 01001000
MOVE 01001001
NANO 01001010
NEED 01001011
NEXT 01001100
NO 01001101
NORMAL 01001110
NORTH 01001111
NOT 01010000
NOTICE 01010001
OHMS 01010010
ONWARD 01010011
OPEN 01010100
OPERATOR 01010101
OR 01010110
PASS 01010111
PER 01011000
PICO 01011001
PLACE 01011010
PRESS 01011011
PRESSURE 01011100
QUARTER 01011101
RANGE 01011110
REACH 01011111
RECEIVE 01100000
RECORD 01100001
REPLACE 01100010
REVERSE 01100011
ROOM 01100100
SAFE 01100101
SECURE 01100110
SELECT 01100111
SEND 01101000
SERVICE 01101001
SIDE 01101010
SLOW 01101011
SLOWER 01101100
SMOKE 01101101
SOUTH 01101110
STATION 01101111
SWITCH 01110000
SYSTEM 01110001
TEST 01110010
TH (NOTE 2) 01110011
THANK 01110100
THIRD 01110101
THIS 01110110
TOTAL 01110111
TURN 01111000
USE 01111001
UTH NOTE 3 01111010
WAITING 01111011
WARNING 01111100
WATER 01111101
WEST 01111110
SWITCH 01111111
WINDOW 10000000
YES 10000001
ZONE 10000010

DT1056 is a complete kit including MM54104 SPC. DT1057 is SSR5 and SSR6 speech ROMs only.

Note 1: "ED" is a suffix that can be used to make any present tense word become a past tense word. The way we say "ED", however, does vary from one word to the next. For that reason, we have offered 4 different "ED" sounds. It is suggested that each "ED" be tested with the desired word for best quality results. Address 31 "ED" or 32 "ED" should be used with words ending in "T" or "D", such as exti or load. Address 34 "ED" should be used with words ending with soft sounds such as ask. Address 33 "ED" should be used with all other words.

Note 2: "TH" is a suffix that can be added to words like six, seven, eight to form adjective words like sixth, seventh, eighth.

Note 3: "UTH" is a suffix that can be added to words like twenty, thirty, forty to form adjective words like thirtieth, fortieth, etc.

Note 4: Address 130 is the last legal address in this particular word list. Exceeding address 130 will produce pieces of unintelligible invalid speech data.


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